Community & Economic Development

Workforce Development

A talented workforce is the most critical element to fostering and maintaining economic growth and opportunity. The Community & Economic Development department, through a coordinated effort among industry, education, non-profit, and local government, promotes access to training that matches citizens with tangible and relevant skills and businesses with the talent they need.

Workforce Development Week 2024

Career Awareness

Connecting students with business leaders to provide them a real-world sense of an industry and expose them to different career paths.

  • Introductions to professions in various industries
  • Discover different career paths and reflect on personal interests

Career Exploration

Opportunities for middle and high school students to deeply engage with different programs and industries, providing hands-on learning experiences in specific fields of their interest.

  • A deeper understanding of a career field while gaining experience and making industry connections.

Career Preparation

Preparing students and young professionals through paid apprenticeship, internship, and mentorship programs that help students hone their skills and gain experience.

  • Develop skills in one specific industry while gaining credentials, collaborating with employers, and developing key professional relationships.
Image Description Danielle Moody, ASPIRE Intern Summer 2022 Danielle Moody knew she needed one thing to set herself ahead going into her senior year of high school: work experience. So, after learning about the ASPIRE program through her school, she grabbed some friends and decided to spend a summer getting just that. Danielle found herself working for Atlas Orange, a real estate law office in Kernersville. She gained professional experience, learned to balance priorities and manage her time, and gained hands on business experience working alongside a female mentor and role model. This experience has ultimately helped Danielle discover her passion for branding and marketing, which she hopes to study in college next fall.

Career Development

Training incumbent and non-traditional workers to improve skills and advance their careers alongside changing industry needs.

  • Further expertise and gain sills necessary to re-enter or progress along specific career paths
  • Collaborations with industry partners to upskill workers to meet current and anticipated labor needs.
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Kelly White

Practice Manager, Atlas Orange
"My favorite part of hosting an ASPIRE intern was seeing our day-to-day operations through someone else’s eyes...I was hesitant to host high school students, but our interns have gone above and beyond and brought a fresh perspective"
Our Partners
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Kirby Robinson

Community & Economic Development Director
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Andrea Sheetz

Economic & Workforce Development Administrator

Fair Housing Statment

Forsyth County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, familial status, physical handicap or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities.

Learn More

Community & Economic Development

  • 201 North Chestnut Street
    Fifth Floor
    Winston-Salem, NC 27101
  • Phone: 336 703 2680
  • Fax: 336 727 8580
  • Email: