Community & Economic Development

Fair Housing

Fair housing means all persons have equal opportunity to be considered for rental units, purchase of property, housing loans, and property insurance.

Vivienda justa significa todas las personas tengan las mismas oportunidades para ser considerado para las unidades de alquiler, la compra de bienes, préstamos para vivienda y seguro de propiedad.

The Fair Housing Act

The North Carolina Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to discriminate in housing because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental handicaps, or family status (families with children). The law applies to the sale, rental and financing of residential housing. Apartments, houses, mobile homes and even vacant lots to be used for housing are covered by the Fair Housing Act. With a few exceptions, anyone who has control over residential property and real estate financing must obey the law. This includes rental managers, property owners, real estate agents, landlords, banks, developers, builders and individual homeowners who are selling or renting their property.

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Examples of Discrimination

  • A property manager refuses to rent an apartment to a single women, but he will rent the apartment to a single man.
  • A landlord refuses to rent an apartment to a blind woman because she has a Seeing Eye dog.
  • A female tenant and her family are evicted from their apartment because the woman refuses the landlord's sexual advances.
  • A landlord evicts a white tenant for her mobile home because her black friends visit her there.
  • Set different terms, conditions, or privileges for the sale or rental of a dwelling.

Ejemplos de Discriminación

  • Un administrador de la propiedad se niega a alquilar un apartamento de una sola mujer, pero él va a alquilar el apartamento a un solo hombre.
  • El arrendador se niega a alquilar un apartamento a una mujer ciega porque ella tiene un perro lazarillo.
  • Una inquilina y su familia son desalojados de su apartamento porque la mujer se niega avances sexuales del propietario.
  • Un propietario desaloja a un inquilino blanco para su casa móvil porque sus amigos negros visitan allí.
  • Establecer diferentes términos, condiciones o privilegios para la venta o alquiler de una vivienda.
Have you been a victim of Housing Discrimination?

Do you live within the City Limits of Winston-Salem?

If you live within the City Limits of Winston-Salem you may request assistance by contacting the City of Winston-Salem Human Relations Department 336-734-1227

Do you live outside the City Limits of Winston-Salem?

If you live in Forsyth County and outside the Winston-Salem City Limits you may request assistance by contacting the Civil Rights Division within the Office of Administrative Hearings in Raleigh by calling 984-236-1914

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Bianca Green

Loan Officer

Fair Housing Statment

Forsyth County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, familial status, physical handicap or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities.

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Community & Economic Development

  • 201 North Chestnut Street
    Fifth Floor
    Winston-Salem, NC 27101
  • Phone: 336 703 2680
  • Fax: 336 727 8580
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