Community & Economic Development

Community Initiatives

We support community projects and initiatives that align with the mission of our department.

Over 60 years of age or disabled? You can get a free ride.

Individuals over the age of 60 or who have a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities may be eligible for transportation services to and from personal care and non-emergency medical appointments, employment-related activities, and human service agency appointments.

To determine eligibility and receive services, please reach out to one of the following providers:

ForysthRides Applications for Fall 2024 are now open!

ForsythRides is Forsyth County’s employment transportation program. Rides must originiate in Forysth County and have a maximum distance of 35 miles.

Participants can receive transportation services for up to three months at a time, during which, if they would like, participants will be connected to community resources to address self-identified obstacles to their own reliable transportation.

Space is limited and applicants may be placed on a waitlist.


Please include both addresses as destinations and when writing days and times, please indicate which destination is when and Support Systems will confirm when scheduling. Only one response is necessary
Children can be transported to childcare if it is on the way to a parent’s ride to work or training. Parents must provide and install any required car seats and be present the entire time the child is in the vehicle.
Rides must originate in Forsyth County and be within 35 miles of origin address
Thanks for your application! Staff will review your application and may ask for additional documents. If we can’t serve you right away you will be placed on the waitlist.
Highway 65 Waterline Project

Forsyth County Community & Economic Development (CED) Department is working with a community just east of Rural Hall, along Highway 65, to secure grant funding for the extension of public water to that area. If awarded, the Community Development Block Grant funding would provide up to $2 million for the project which would include the installation of the water main along Highway 65 and the cost of connection for low-to-moderate income homeowners.

Forsyth County CED staff is working with the community throughout August and September to develop the application including the completion of required community surveys and getting residential wells tested.

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Kirby Robinson

Community & Economic Development Director
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Andrea Sheetz

Economic & Workforce Development Administrator

Fair Housing Statment

Forsyth County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, familial status, physical handicap or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities.

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Community & Economic Development

  • 201 North Chestnut Street
    Fifth Floor
    Winston-Salem, NC 27101
  • Phone: 336 703 2680
  • Fax: 336 727 8580
  • Email: